燃气用菲奥pietro fiorentini调节器|稳压阀介绍: pietro fiorentini调节器 Dival 600系列压力气体中低压力应用监管机构直接的设备控制的弹簧隔膜和计数器。 直动式气体pietro fiorentini压力调节器Dival 600特性:pietro fiorentini Dival 600系列压力气体中低压力应用监管机构直接的设备控制的弹簧隔膜和计数器。pietro fiorentini Dival 600系列压力调节器的模块化设计允许安装一个合并关上或设备作为“在线监控”在同一个身体不改变面对面的维度。 而且真正的顶端插入设计允许简单的日常维护,而删除线的单位。pietro fiorentini Dival 600系列监管机构的特性使其产品适合任何应用程序。 燃气用菲奥pietro fiorentini调节器|稳压阀,Dival 600菲奥pietro fiorentini调节器切断阀介绍: This is a device which stops immediay gas flow whenever downstream pressure exeeds given set-point. Device can be actuated also manually. Incorporated LA Slam shut (see figure 2) can be incorporated in the standard regulator and in the in-line monitor. The installation of integral Slam Shut valve does not produce any reduction on regulator KG or Cg values. A further advantage of the incorporated slam-shut valve is that it can be retro fitted at any time on a previously installed Dival 600 series without modifying the regulating unit (only with 4 ways body). Further the slam-shut can be positioned in four different positions (rotation on its axis) in such way to be fixed in the most apropriated position versus the surrounding encumbrance if any. pietro fiorentini调节器切断阀特点: - design pressure 20 bar for all the components; - accuracy (AG): ap to 5 for pressure increase, up to 15 for pressure decreasing; - internal by-pass; - intervention for over pressure and/or under pressure; - manual push-button control; - possibility of pneumatic or electromagnetic remote control; - compact overall dimensions; - easy maintenance; - possibility of application of devices for remote signal (contact or inductive microswitches). 燃气用菲奥pietro fiorentini调节器|稳压阀 意大利pietro fiorentini调压器,意大利菲奥减压阀,意大利稳压阀,菲奥调压器可选配内置过滤网棉,低压差大流量,高精度稳压效果,是用气设备前需求压力稳定的*理想产品。意大利Fiorentini调压器,减压阀,大量现货提供,价格相比MADAS调压器,DUGNS调压器*,性能更稳定,现为大家提供意大利Fiorentini调压阀的选择型参数和具体型号对照表: Fiorentini300系列调压器阀zui大进压为:1Bar.出口压力为特定的5-150mbar,进出口径:DN15-DN50可选择。它的具体型号有: (1):Fiorentini30051型调压器阀,口径:DN15。 (2):菲奥30052型调压阀,口径为:DN20。(3):Fiorentini30053减压阀,口径为:DN25。 意大利Fiorentini301系列调压阀,菲奥301系列减压阀zui大入口压力:1 Bar, 出口压力:5-300 mbar多种出口压力弹簧可选择。具体型对照: Fiorentini30150调压器:DN15。 菲奥30051调压阀:DN20。 菲奥30152减压阀:DN25。 Fiorentini稳压阀30153调压阀:DN32口径。 Fiorentini菲奥稳压阀30514调压阀:DN32口径。 菲奥Fiorentini减压阀,30155型减压阀的口径为DN50。 Fiorentini301系列调压器提供法兰接口调压器,其进出口压力不变, 具体型号有:30152/F(DN25),30153/F(DN32),30154/F(DN40),30155/F(DN50), 30156/(DN65),30157/F(DN80),30158/F(DN100)