Burkert0290系电池阀,宝德隔膜电磁阀德国原装 Burkert0290系电池阀订货号: 00043816 00050294 00044373 00049229 00042886 00058766 00049518 00045992 00053675 00045293 00058627 00045291 00052513 00085297 00085301 00043654 00053595 00043659 宝德隔膜电磁阀产品简介: Burkert0290为伺服式S.EV系列电磁阀。不需压差即可打开阀门。其打开过程是通过膜片与铁心的固定耦合完成的。内置的“soft-kick”功能以温和的方式打开阀门。根据不同的应用,可以选择各种膜片材质。阀体材质为不锈钢和灰铸铁。电磁线圈采用耐化学腐蚀的环氧树脂封装。所有 DC 式都带“kick and drop”电子线路,用以降低功耗。与 DIN EN 17301-803 A 型电缆插头配套,该阀的安全防护等级为 IP65,不锈钢阀体式 NEMA 4X。 The 0290 valve is a servo-assisted solenoid valve of the S.EV series. The valve opens without differential pressure. The opening process is supported by the fi xed coupling of the diaphragm to the plunger . In the process, the integrated ‘soft-kick’ function opens in a manner that is gentle on the material. Various diaphragm material combinations are available depending on the application. The housing offered is rounded out by a stainless steel and grey cast iron version. The solenoid coils are moulded with a chemically resistant epoxy. ‘Kick and drop’ electronics are moulded into all DC variants for reduced electrical power consumption. In combination with a plug in accordance with DIN EN 17301-803 Form A, the valves satisfy protection class IP65 – in combination with a stainless steel housing NEMA 4X . Burkert0290系电池阀,宝德隔膜电磁阀德国原装 伺服辅助式隔膜电磁阀,zui大通径 DN 50 固定耦合的隔膜,没有差压也可以打开阀门 防震线圈 阻尼设计,阀门动作静音 DC 式节能节电 BURKERT电磁阀种类: 水用电磁阀 大通径燃气电磁阀 蒸汽电磁阀 制冷电磁阀 三通电磁阀 带信号反馈电磁阀 超低温电磁阀 先导式电磁阀 低温电磁阀 燃气电磁阀 脉冲铝合金电磁阀 膜片式电磁阀 消防电磁阀 氨用电磁阀 气体电磁阀 零压启动电磁阀 超高温电磁阀 液体电磁阀 喷泉电磁阀 微型电磁阀 
媒体NBR FKM EPDM 中性介质,压缩空气,水,液压油 每解决方案,热油 石油和不含脂肪的媒体,例如热水 媒体温度1)NBR FKM EPDM -10至+80°C 0+ 120℃,- 30+ 120℃, 环境温度zui高。 +55°C 电压容差为±10% 占空比100%的连续循环